A more regular schedule
Welcome back! We’ve already been collecting some great articles for this upcoming newsletter and are excited to share them with the community a week from today. While the newsletter’s schedule has been tentative as we try to balance work and…the ever-changing attention sink that is the US political landscape, from here on out the schedule will be as follows:
First Monday of the month: Call for submissions
Second Monday of the month: Newsletter ships
If you would like to share anything with the community, we ask that you submit to our Google form. Any submissions received by next Sunday, May 15th, will be featured in the newsletter on May 16th. If you have any pressing events or deadlines, we can always send out a quick email in the meantime. We look forward to your submissions! As always, spread the word. Here’s what we’re looking for:
Journal publications
Grant opportunities
Calls for papers
QAnon in the news
Book / chapter publications
Project updates
Questions from the community
And more!